Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God Provides...

Gosh... I need to be doing paperwork for the endless amounts of meetings that I have over the next couple of weeks, but I have so much that I want to write about. Things that I have experienced over the past couple of weeks. Circumstances when God's faithfulness was revealed.

As a part of my mission trip to Kenya, I decided that I would make ceramic prayer bracelets. These African shaped bracelets would remind friends and family to pray for me and my team as we embark on this amazing faith-filled adventure. What started off as a small Saturday afternoon craft project turned into quite a learning experience.. Who knew you had like 500 different glazes and types of clay, and depending on the clay determined the kiln that was used. Although, the process was long and somewhat complicated... It was a BLAST and I could definitely see God's hand through the whole thing.

This is a picture of the complete process....  from cutting the shapes out of clay to stringing and beading each one. Just like Gods children, each one is unique and one of a kind. As I worked on this project I was reminded of the verse...

"..O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." Isaiah 64:8

This project has not only expanded my knowledge in pottery but also expanded my faith. 

After two "batches" of African bracelets were completed, I sat and pondered on what I was going to do with them all. I knew that I wanted and needed some prayer warriors while I was gone, but I had no idea how to go about the whole process of asking people to pray. So I prayed... I prayed that God would reveal to me what he wanted me to do with all the bracelets. I knew that He had provided the materials and experienced people that helped make this project happen so I knew that He would continue to provide through the completion. 

That afternoon, I had a dentist appointment. One that I had been dreading for over a month. I was very anxious because I just knew that the pain was going to be terrible. The dental hygienist and I made small talk  while I was preparing for the worst. I was trying to keep my mind of the things to come... I asked her about her life and family and before I knew it the dentist appointment was over. No pain??? What a blessing! 

As I was leaving I was questioned by the receptionist about the bracelet that I was wearing . I explained the details of my trip and that the prayer bracelets were a reminder of my team while we were gone. Her face lit up and she immediately insisted that I show her everything I had made.  What started off as one bracelet donation turned into ten bracelet donations. It was amazing. I knew that God had answered a prayer. He was providing prayer warriors, just as I knew He would. 

God is still providing more and more prayer warriors everyday. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of this adventure. I am preparing for my world to rocked in every way by the abundant compassion and love of God... I CANT WAIT!! 

 I still have some prayer bracelets left. If you are interested you can leave a comment below or email me at 

" And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Beginning...

Well, here goes...I am not exactly sure how to do this whole blog thing, but I have decided to give it a shot. I do love to journal... I tend to "itch" if I can't get my thoughts out of my mind and down on paper, but putting my thoughts and experiences on the Internet for everyone to read.... Well.. It makes me feel a little vulnerable. Blogging will definitely be an adventure, right alongside of going halfway around the world to Africa.

As I look back on the past two years of my life, I have realized that I have been in a "waiting" period. Other than getting into graduate school I was not exactly sure what I " waiting" for. I loved my job and the precious friends I had made, but I was longing for something more. Who knew that God was using the people and circumstances around me to prepare me for an adventure of a lifetime.

Around Christmas, God placed a yearning on my heart to work at an orphanage. I knew that I wanted to go love and serve others this summer, but I had no idea where. After lots of research and prayer, I made my decision... Africa is was. I felt sure that I was doing what I was supposed to do, but I prayed that God would provide the confirmation that I was indeed on the right path. I tend to second guess myself, and I needed to hear from Him. There have been many stepping stones of confirmation that God has used to pave the way to Africa. From getting permission to miss the first week of work to the financial burdens of the trip, I have seen God's hand in this endevour every step of the way.

I am not exactly sure what all is in store for me this summer, but I am ready for this life changing adventure and to experience everything that God has in store.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you future and hope. " Jeremiah 29:11